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Donations and help regarding the devastating earthquake in Türkiye and Syria


Dear friends and fellow students, the devastating earthquake in Türkiye and Syria has left many of you and us very worried, saddened, and frightened. To all those affected, we would like to express our dearest sympathy. We would also like to point you to places where you can help or get help yourself.

This week, dedicated people have taken the initiative themselves to help very quickly. The call for a donation of sorts, which was organized by students and shared by the Munich universities, was very successful. We thank all participants and donors for their help!

Donation of sorts

Such donations require quick action so that the products reach all those in need in time. Unfortunately, we were unable to find any fundraisers during our research. We would be very happy about any tip! We will publish any verifiable info on our website. You could send us an Email to pr@stuve.uni-muenchen.de oder comment on our Instagram post!

Fundraising and Donation Accounts

However there are numerous ways to donate money to relief organizations or donation accounts for earthquake victims. Donate money only if you can afford it!

The City of Munich has set up a donation account for earthquake victims and can be found on the
city's website.

The German Foreign Office refers on its website to several aid organizations that call for donations.

Further recommended organizations:

Mental Wellbeing

There is truly nothing wrong with needing help in this situation, because it is causing you a lot of stress. Several institutions offer helplines and psychotherapeutic counseling.

In one of the last posts we have already presented contact points and counseling centers for mental well-being. On our website we have summarized all the info, linked and translated it into English.

Donation of sorts or delivery by yourself

If you want to organize a donation of sorts or delivery, you should inform yourself on the FAQ page of the German Foreign Office (de/en).


Help us filling the list! Send an Email to pr@stuve.uni-muenchen.de.